UPDATE: COMBAT COLIN now co-features with Brickman in most issues of ELEPHANTMEN!

BRICKMAN BEGINS also includes a story featuring COMBAT COLIN, the bobble-hatted one-man army and his comrade in arms SEMI-AUTOMATIC
STEVE (another er, one-man army). Some of you will remember the characters from the regular humour strip that ran in Marvel
UK's TRANSFORMERS and ACTION FORCE comics in the late Eighties/early Nineties. So what's he doing here of all places?
Well, one of Combat Colin's adventures featured Brickman (and a host of my other comic characters) as guest stars in a
serial entitled "The Place of No Return". Colin and Steve are abduced to find themselves in a strange village that
holds a dark secret; a place from which there is apparently no escape.
Fans of the 1967/68 UK tv series THE PRISONER (starring Patrick McGoohan as "Number Six") will recognise this
premise as being a spoof of that quirky, surreal, and intelligent series. Most of the outdoor scenes in The Prisoner were
filmed in Portmeirion, a fascinating Italianate village in North Wales created by the architect Sir Clough Williams-Ellis.
Retitled "Village of the Doomed", there's enough in-jokes in the six-page comic strip to keep Prisoner fans
happy, but the quickfire comedy will also appeal to readers who are unfamiliar with the tv series.
If you're curious about THE PRISONER tv series or are a fan of the show, visit THE UNMUTUAL WEBSITE for all the latest news
on related merchandise and events, plus a wealth of information.